Frequently asked questions about IELTS Exam

  1. Where can I take IELTS in India?

You can appear for the IELTS exam in almost all the main cities of India. To check the nearest IELTS centre you can check you can click here.

  1. How much does it cost to appear for IELTS?

Each attempt for IELTS costs approximately Rs 14700.

  1. How can I book/register for the test?

You can book your IELTS test for both computer and paper through IDP website by clicking here.

  1. What if I need to postpone my IELTS test?

You can only reschedule your IELTS test if the exam date is more than 15 days away. To get more detailed information click here.

  1. Do all parts of the test happen on the same day? Which part do I take first?

The Listening, Reading and Writing parts of the test are completed immediately after each other and with no break. You will take the Speaking test up to 7 days either before or after the test date.

  1. What is the sequence of the modules during the test?

Listening component is the first followed by the reading and writing parts.

  1. What am I allowed to carry in the examination hall?

You must bring the passport you used on the IELTS application form to the test. Paper-based IELTS test takers are allowed only pens, pencils and erasers and computer-delivered test takers are provided with these at the exam centre. You must leave everything else outside the examination room. Keeping a mobile phone with you in the test room can lead to instant disqualification.

  1. What do I need for the Speaking test?

You only need to carry your passport for the speaking test.

  1. Can I make notes on the Listening and Reading question papers?

Yes, the examiner only looks at your answer sheet.

  1. Am I only allowed to use a pencil?

Most test centres will require you to only use pencil for your listening, reading and writing tasks. It is recommended that you use a pencil for the test.

  1. What if I am not happy with my result?

You can apply for a re-evaluation known as an enquiry on results, within 6 weeks of your test. You will have to pay an additional fee for the same. This additional fee will get refunded in case your band score changes after this. Click here to know more.

  1. How can I find the best IELTS classes near me?

It is not necessary that you find the best IELTS classes near your home. However, in today’s times, this is not a problem. You can receive the best IELTS coaching at home. We at the learning desk provide you online IELTS general coaching through Zoom and Google Meet platforms. Book your free IELTS class with an expert now. Click here