What to do before paying a PR consultant for Canada immigration?

Dreaming of going to Canada for studies or planning to immigrate? While it is a thought we’ve all entertained at one point or other in our lives, many find it a daunting task because the information on how to go about this out there is vague at best. No doubt it is a lengthy and multi-step process, but it is not very difficult. Read on to know about ECA and how to get done your ECA for Canada Visa to ensure this dream materializes.
1.The most important thing you need to do before starting the process for your immigration or study visa application for Canada is to get your ECA done.
Simply put, ECA is the Educational Cedential Assessment which is used to validate and determine the equivalency of your educational qualification(s) to a Canadian one. While there are different types ECAs, you can be sure of one thing – you need to get one for immigration purposes. It is critical that you get this done before you start the study visa or PR application process as it takes some time to get completed. You don’t need any help with this as it is a very easy process and you can do this on your own.
IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) has designated professional bodies for educational credential assessment and you can get this done from any of the designated professional bodies/organization listed below:
Comparative Education Service: http://www.learn.utoronto.ca/ces
International Credential Assessment Service of Canada: http://www.icascanada.ca/fsw
World Education Services: http://www.wes.org/fswp
International Qualification Assessment Service(IQAS): https://www.alberta.ca/iqas-immigration.aspx
International Credential Evaluation Service: http://www.bcit.ca/ices/eca/
Medical Council of Canada: http://mcc.ca/repository/educational-credential-assessment/
Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada: http://www.pebc.ca/index.php/ci_id/3374/la_id/1.htm
In Order to answer the question of how to get done your ECA for Canada Visa, you need to visit the website for the respective designated professional body/organization website and follow the process listed on the website. Once this is done, you would be required to go to your university website and apply for the transcript(s) there too. Note that this is a very simple process, can be done online and does not need you to pay a consultant to do it on your behalf.
For detailed information on how to get done your ECA for Canada Visa application submitted, click here.
2. Once the ECA process is underway, you must prepare for your IELTS exam.
Almost all the countries need a language proficiency test in order to ascertain your compatibility in their society. There has been a never ending debate on whether one should take IELTS coaching or prepare for the exam on their own.
While the IELTS exam appears very straightforward and easy to crack, it isn’t! There are test-takers who have not been able to get their desired band score even after trying 2 or more times. While this can certainly be attributed to their language proficiency, it is also to a great extent due to a lack of understanding of the test itself.
In order to succeed in the IELTS exam, it is important to know the exam format and strategies. This is where the role of an IELTS coaching institute becomes pivotal. A good IELTS coaching institute and the instructor helps you understand not only the exam format but also the tips and strategies on how to master each of the modules in the exam. A qualified instructor not only shares constant feedback, (s) he also helps you practice regularly and efficiently, know your weak areas and improve your overall exam preparedness. Taking IELTS coaching from a good coaching institute with qualified and seasoned instructors helps increase your confidence.
Moreover, taking IELTS coaching from a good institute enhances your chances of successfully getting a study visa or PR.
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